One of the goals of the Sachakuna Resort is to restore the Amazon forest in Peru
At our hotel, you'll have the unique opportunity to plant a personalized medicinal tree in our garden. By doing this, you contribute to the restoration of the Amazon rainforest and leave a lasting legacy. You can visit us to see the progress of your tree, and take home a personalized certificate as a memento of your support for the forest's recovery.

The Amazon is of vital importance because people around the world, as well as locally, depend on the rainforest. Not just for food, water, wood and medicines, but to help stabilise the climate—150-200 billion tons of carbon is stored in the Amazon rainforest.

Though the Amazon covers only four percent of the earth's surface, it contains a third of all known terrestrial plant, animal, and insect species.

The forest produces more than 50 percent of all the rain that falls in the Amazon region, and it probably affects rainfall patterns far outside South America.

Peru's forests are among the most deforested in the world. Between 2001 and 2022, Peru lost 3.86 million hectares of tree cover (or 4.9%) to deforestation, resulting in 2.44Gt of CO₂ emissions. 2.47 million of those hectares were primary rainforests.

Source: Peru - Rainforest Foundation US
Between 2001 and 2020, Peru lost more than 1.7 million hectares of Amazon Rainforest. Approximately 1.100 square kilometers of Peruvian forests are cut down each year.
More than half of Peru is covered by trees and more than 330.000 people depend on the country’s forests for their livelihoods. Between 2001 and 2020, Peru lost more than 1.7 million hectares of Amazon Rainforest according to Global Forest Watch. The causes: expansion of agriculture, commercial mining, and road construction.

The so-called “slash and burn” practice fragments forest ecosystems and erodes their supply capacity. Approximately 1.100 square kilometers of Peruvian forests are cut down each year, about 80% of it illegally. This forest loss not only harms Peru’s trees and extraordinary wildlife; it is also responsible for nearly half of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. Protecting the ecosystems of these regions is a critical action that impacts the Earth’s lung.

Source: zeroco2
"Action is the antidote to despair."
- Joan Baez

Sachakuna invites you to act and help

At our hotel, you'll have the unique opportunity to plant a personalized medicinal tree in our garden. By doing this, you contribute to the restoration of the Amazon rainforest and leave a lasting legacy. You can visit us to see the progress of your tree, and take home a personalized certificate as a memento of your support for the forest's recovery.

Join the Amazon Renaissance
Invest in regeneration of Sachakuna Forest by adding your name to a single plant.

You will become a part of a greater transformation from an abandonded land to a flourishing forest full of medicinal plants.

Give Master Plants the opportunity to implement their plan and contribute to the healing of the human family.
Join the Amazon Renaissance
Invest in regeneration of Sachakuna Forest by adding your name to a single plant.

You will become a part of a greater transformation from an abandonded land to a flourishing forest full of medicinal plants.

Give Master Plants the opportunity to implement their plan and contribute to the healing of the human family.